Terry Smith has been researching contemporary art theory and history and formulating principles of contemporary curating for over a decade. Specifically he is concerned with how artists, architects, curators and art theorists react to peculiarities of contemporary reality and the contemporary itself. In this lecture Smith speaks about the idea of the contemporary and contemporaneity as it relates to world picturing, place making and connectivity both in general and in the work of contemporary artists.
Terry Smithas jau daugiau nei dešimtmetį tyrinėja šiuolaikinio meno teorijos ir istorijos problemas ir formuluoja šiuolaikinio meno kuravimo bei teorinio kalbėjimo apie jį principus. Anot jo, menininkai, architektai, kuratoriai ir meno teoretikai savo praktikose reaguoja į esminius šiuolaikinės tikrovės ypatumus, į pačią šiuolaikybę. Šioje paskaitoje Smithas kalba apie šiuolaikiškumo ir šiuolaikybės idėjas, siedamas pastarąsias su pasaulio vaizdavimu, erdvių kūryba (placemaking) ir sąryšingumu (connectivity).
Terry Smith is a professor of art history and theory at Pittsburgh University and a visiting professor at National Institute for Experimental Arts of University of New South Wales in Sydney. He is an author of a number of publications, among which is The Architecture of Aftermath (University of Chicago Press, 2006); What is Contemporary Art? (University of Chicago Press, 2009); Contemporary Art: World Currents (Laurence King, 2011 and Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2012) and Thinking Contemporary Curating (Independent Curators International, 2012). Smith has also compiled the Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity and Contemporaneity (Duke University Press, 2008), together with Nancy Condee and Okwui Enwezor.
Terry Smithas – šiuolaikinio meno istorijos ir teorijos profesorius Pitsburgo universitete (JAV) ir vizituojantis profesorius Nacionaliname eksperimentinių menų institute Naujojo Pietų Velso universitete Sidnėjuje. Jis yra kelių knygų autorius, tarp kurių: The Architecture of Aftermath (University of Chicago Press, 2006), What is Contemporary Art? (University of Chicago Press, 2009), Contemporary Art: World Currents (London: Laurence King; Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall, 2011 ir 2012) ir Thinking Contemporary Curating (New York: Independent Curators International, 2012). Kartu su Nancy Condee ir Okwui Enwezoru sudarė knygą Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity and Contemporaneity (Duke University Press, 2008).
photo from the archive of Terry Smith
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