• THE SEASONS IN RETROSPECT  • Sezonai retrospektyviai

Departing from the series of Seasons paintings by the German artist Jutta Koether, Michael Sanchez redirects his analysis of these particular paintings to consider the fate of seasonal rhythms of distribution using television, fashion, and contemporary art as case studies for understanding the ways in which technical and economic models are interwoven. At the center of this project is an attempt to understand how internet distribution, which is fundamentally post-seasonal, works in tandem with economic models based on the management of risk.

Atsispirdamas nuo vokiečių menininkės Juttos Koether paveikslų serijos Sezonai (Seasons), Michaelas Sanchezas kviečia pamąstyti apie sezoninių distribucijos ritmų televizijoje, madoje ir šiuolaikiniame mene likimą, patyrinėti, kaip juose persipina techniniai ir ekonominiai vardikliai. Paskaitoje aptariama, kaip internetinė distribucija, kuri yra esmiškai postsezoninė, veikia kartu su rizikos vadyba paremtais ekonominiais modeliais.


Michael Sanchez is a doctoral candidate in art history at Columbia University in New York. He is currently writing his dissertation on the early development of the infrastructure for contemporary art around 1970. His essays on contemporary art and media have appeared in Artforum and Texte zur Kunst, as well as in exhibition catalogues, most recently, for the Whitney Museum of American Art, and books, for example, Art and Subjecthood: The Return of the Human Figure in Semiocapitalism (Sternberg Press, 2011).

Michaelas Sanchezas yra Kolumbijos universiteto meno istorijos doktorantas. Šiuo metu jis rašo disertaciją apie ankstyvąjį šiuolaikinio meno  infrastruktūros vystymąsi 1970-aisiais. Sanchezo tekstai, skirti šiuolaikiniam menui ir medijoms, spausdinami tokiuose žurnaluose kaip Artforum ir Texte zur Kunst, parodų kataloguose (Whitney Amerikos meno muziejaus katalogas) ir knygose (Art and Subjecthood. The Return of the Human Figure in Semiocapitalism, Sternberg Press, 2011).

Michael Sanchez, photo:
Art and Subjecthood: The
Return of the Human Figure In
Stemberg press, 2011

Michaelas Sachezas, nuotrauka:
Art and Subjecthood: The
Return of the Human Figure In
Stemberg press, 2011