Modern art arises out of and responds to an exploding population of images, and photomontage as a fundamental aesthetic technique has managed such a ‘multitude’ for nearly a century. An account of a transformation in montage in contemporary art suggests a shift in art’s politics toward what Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, among others, have theorized as the ‘multitude’. David Joselit discusses this condition as a political and aesthetic problem, and proposes two formal modes to make articulate this multitude of images: profiling and aggregating.
Modernusis menas atsiranda iš vaizdų populiacijos sprogimo ir į jį reaguoja, o fotomontažas kaip fundamentali estetinė technika jau bene šimtą metų tvarko šią vaizdų gausybę. Atkreipus dėmesį į montažo transformaciją šiuolaikiniame mene, ryškėja bendresnis meno politikos poslinkis link to, ką filosofai Michaelis Hardtis ir Antonio Negri savo teorijoje apibrėžia kaip daugį (multitude). Davidas Joselitas pasiūlo du estetinius (bet taip pat socialinius ir politinius) modelius, kaip šis vaizdų daugis gali būti artikuliuojamas šiandien, – profiliavimą ir agregavimą.
David Joselit worked as a curator at The Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston from 1983 to 1989 where he co-organized several exhibitions including DISSENT: The Issue of Modern Art in Boston (1985); Endgame: Reference and Simulation in Recent Painting and Sculpture (1986); and The British Edge (1987). After receiving his Ph.D. in Art History from Harvard in 1995 he taught at University of California–Irvine from 1995 to 2003 and at Yale University from 2003 to 2013. He is currently a distinguished professor of the History of Art at CUNY. Joselit is author of Infinite Regress: Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941 (MIT Press, 1998), American Art Since 1945 (Thames and Hudson, World of Art Series, 2003), Feedback: Television Against Democracy (MIT Press, 2007), and After Art (Princeton University Press, 2012). He is an editor of the journal OCTOBER and writes regularly on contemporary art and culture.
Davidas Joselitas 1983–1989 metais dirbo kuratoriumi Bostono šiuolaikinio meno institute, kur suorganizavo kelioliką parodų, tarp kurių: DISSENT: The Issue of Modern Art in Boston (1985), Endgame: Reference and Simulation in Recent Painting and Sculpture (1986) ir The British Edge (1987). Apsigynęs meno istorijos daktaro disertaciją Harvardo universitete, 1995–2003 m. dėstė Kalifornijos universitete Irvine, o 2003–2013 m. Jeilio universitete. Nuo 2013 m. Joselitas dėsto Niujorko miesto universitete (CUNY). Jis yra vienas iš žurnalo October (MIT Press) redaktorių bei kelių knygų autorius: Infinite Regress: Marcel Duchamp 1910–1941 (MIT Press, 1998), American Art Since 1945 (Thames and Hudson, World of Art Series, 2003), Feedback: Television Against Democracy (MIT Press, 2007) ir After Art (Princeton University Press, 2012).
photo by Andrew Wagner
The Yale Herald archive
Andrew Wagner nuotrauka,
The Yale Herald archyvas